About Me

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Since becoming an expat in 2008, my life has taken on new meaning. Trading a life of abundance and excess in the US for the unfamiliar and the unexpected while abroad has opened doors I never knew existed. Like adding a pinch of a curious spice to a familiar dish, each new adventure offers a new perspective on the world I thought I knew. And, as it turns out I like a lot of spice! “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

These are a few of my favorite things...

Barcelona's Barri Gotíc is a labyrinth of narrow streets dotted with imposing cathedrals, shady plazas, and time forgotten mom-and-pop shops. It's the bustling epicenter of a modern, cosmopolitan city, but a stroll down some it's hidden alleyways will transport you to another time. One of my favorite streets happens to be in my own backyard: Calle de Petritxol.

While friends have jet-set all over Europe for recent holidays and long weekends, I've set out to rediscover my city. Setting to the streets with nothing but a camera allowed me to view Barcelona through a different lens...literally! I wasn't wandering the streets with a list of errands to run, or distracted by a phone call, or rushing off to work. Wandering...I was doing just that. I could have strolled to countless landmarks anywhere in the city, but without thinking I found myself in my absolute favorite plaza in all of Barcelona: Plaça Pi with Plaça Sant Josep Oriol. Tucked just behind the ever crowded and over commercialized Las Ramblas, Plaça Pi is a gem. No matter the season or time of day, there's a certain feeling of calm that consumes me every time I find myself here. I can sit here for hours with friends at a terrace cafe or simply browse the art collections and fresh foods market on the weekends. I am always at peace here with Santa Maria del Pi, the gothic cathedral standing proud over this little slice of heaven.

Just beyond Plaça Pi is a tiny gateway to another time: Calle de Petritxol. This is one of my favorite streets in all of Barcelona for a few reasons. For one, it's tiny! At the entrance from the plaza, I can almost touch both sides of the street with my arms outstretched. But don't be fooled for this street is a melting pot of old and new; vintage and modern; chic and bohemian. I can't get enough of it! While the store fronts have stolen my attention in the past, my camera encouraged me to look, well, up! I had never noticed that the street is illustrated with beautiful tile mosaics that essentially tell the story of this time-forgotten portal. Capes and top hats, horse-drawn carriages and lanterns of light - the street below may have evolved with the times, but the street above is of a bygone era. 

My walkabout didn't take me far, but I felt as though I had traveled to another time entirely. Returning home I felt relaxed, fulfilled, and awakened to the pulse of Barcelona once again.