Rick Steves has been our travel companion at one point or another on various adventures. He's steered us away from the tourist traps and has recommended the best places to hang our hats, good eats, and hidden gems off the beaten path. In this episode of TED Talks, Rick Steves offers very candid and personal reflections on the value of travel and the importance of connecting with cultures and people. I subscribe to these thoughts about travel in every way and it's for this reason that Jeff and I are always setting our sights on the next destination.
About Me
- LaurenKBarcelona
- Since becoming an expat in 2008, my life has taken on new meaning. Trading a life of abundance and excess in the US for the unfamiliar and the unexpected while abroad has opened doors I never knew existed. Like adding a pinch of a curious spice to a familiar dish, each new adventure offers a new perspective on the world I thought I knew. And, as it turns out I like a lot of spice! “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain
Rick Steves on the Value of Travel

Meet the Peach: Lauren
I'm a Georgia girl living in Madrid, Spain with my husband, Jeff. I am always on the prowl for a new adventure in a new destination. You can find me behind the camera lens on the road to somewhere, anywhere, everywhere!
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