About Me

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Since becoming an expat in 2008, my life has taken on new meaning. Trading a life of abundance and excess in the US for the unfamiliar and the unexpected while abroad has opened doors I never knew existed. Like adding a pinch of a curious spice to a familiar dish, each new adventure offers a new perspective on the world I thought I knew. And, as it turns out I like a lot of spice! “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

An Island in the Sun

August has finally arrived, and that means VACATION!! Jeff had be
en looking forward to his 2 week vacation since the day he started working, but the question remains...what do we do? Our solution? Cruise the internet and book the cheapest tickets we could find to any destination. To our amazement we were able to find an incredible deal to Mallorca, a Spanish island in the Mediterranean Sea. We had been wanting to visit the largest of the Balearic Islands and now was our chance. We booked almost immediately and within a few hours I had found the perfect lodging to boot. All that was left was to pack the suitcases and we were off!

Flying Vueling...a Spanish budget airline...is always a gamble. We had flown Vueling a few times in the past and not one of our flights was on time. One was even cancelled! Thankfully the stars were aligned for our journey and the scheduled flight went off without a hitch. We were airborne for only a mere 30 minutes before we touched down in the capital city of Palma. Let the vacation begin. :o)

A quick jaunt down the highway with our incredibly friendly cabby brought us to the front steps of our quaint little hotel. You couldn't miss it...it's a bright blue and white building located right on the coast. Afterall, it is called the Hotel Playa Azul. What made the hotel even better was that it was located outside the city of Palma...far away from the crowds and noise yet still close enough for a comfortable bike ride into town. Our adorable little 4-star felt more like a B&B and the service was amazing. An incredibly friendly staff was always available whenever we needed them. The rooms were small yet incredibly clean complete with all the modern amenities. The food was tasty and the drinks even tastier. The beach was only a hop, skip, and a jump away!

How did we spend our time on our island getaway? Most of the daylight hours were spent seaside...afterall this is our favorite passtime. :o) Evenings were spent washing away sand and sunscreen, going for a bike ride, and watching the world go by while enjoying a cocktail on the terrace. Nights were spent dining by the water and moonlight while being swept away by enchanting island music. How could it have only taken us 30 minutes to get to a place that seemed a world away? This is what vacation is all about. :o)