About Me

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Since becoming an expat in 2008, my life has taken on new meaning. Trading a life of abundance and excess in the US for the unfamiliar and the unexpected while abroad has opened doors I never knew existed. Like adding a pinch of a curious spice to a familiar dish, each new adventure offers a new perspective on the world I thought I knew. And, as it turns out I like a lot of spice! “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain

It's Not Goodbye; It's Hasta Luego

Leaving Barcelona behind for the summer is a strange feeling. As I packed my bags to prepare for the first of many flights this summer, I couldn't help but feel as though I had to almost explain my departure to my city. Will she know how much I'm going to miss her?
Except for two short weeks each August, Barcelona has been my summer companion for the last three years. Otherwise, she kept me company with her sandy beaches, her sweet tinto verano, and her natural way of just taking it easy while Jeff was at work. We had a predictable summer routine; I would greet her late morning (or early afternoon be it as it may) with breakfast on the roof and a cup of strong coffee. She would greet me with a beaming sun and the promise of a beautiful day. Afternoons would bring neighborhood strolls, window shopping, a nap on the beach, or lounging by the pool. And in the evening a drink at an outdoor cafe with Jeff, dinner on the roof, or swaying in the hammock stargazing. Barcelona was my partner in crime whose only crime was epitomizing everything summer should be. Guilty as charged.

So, why am I leaving?  Like with most relationships there are sometimes factors that get in the way. In this case it's life. I have decided to create a bit of space between Barcelona and me, not because I'm unhappy with her but because life is making it difficult to stay. With Jeff in the States I have chosen to be with him as much as possible which leaves little time for Barcelona. I hope she understands. A trip to Asia with good friends takes another slice out of summer. I hope there are no hard feelings.

 I know that saying goodbye is going to be more difficult for me to say than for her, but I like to think that deep down Barcelona will miss me too.